State Quarter Rings
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International Coin Rings
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From silver clad coin rings to .9999% pure silver each coin is individually sorted and picked for quality and detail. We strive to always provide the highest quality products to our customers. Not all coins are the equal and coins from circulation each have gone through their own journey. This individuality gives coin rings from circulation a unique quality due to each coins history but sacrifices detail. Thats why we offer high detail uncirculated coin options for many of our pieces. The price reflects the quality, purity, detail and craftsmanship of each piece. Whether you want a historical piece that has been weathered from use and time or one that is pristine with high detail and purity, we want to serve you.
Ring in Happiness
Since 2016 Quarterly Productions has been dedicated to creating hand made rings and jewelry to help commemorate places, moments and memories. My journey started with the goal of making an engagement ring and continues today with goal of producing jewelry made from change you can wear. Each piece highlights the craftsmanship of the minting process. Whether a Silver Walking Liberty, State Quarter, Limited Minted or Precious Coins from around the world. Each ring is made from a beautiful piece of art, the coins themselves, and every effort is made to preserve that craftsmanship. We know you will love the results.
Porch to Production
A jeweler from Mississippi, Adam started crafting custom rings from a back porch with just a drill, a mallet, and a mandrel. The first dozen rings each took hours to go from a simple quarter to classic coin ring. The process was long, laborious, and involved quite a lot of banging. As more rings were sold the profits went right back into tools. These new “ringing” methods increased the quality of the end product and decreased the time (and banging) needed to make each piece. The skills and knowledge of how metals move and bend increase with every stretch and fold lending to consistency that was definitely lacking in those early days. Over the years the quality and beauty of these works of love has steadily risen to the point that we can proudly offer to create a unique custom piece just for you and your loved ones. Thank you for the opportunity to let us help you ring in happiness.
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